Holidays are here! It is snowing in the Sierras and Thanksgiving prep is underway! Before I hang a wreath of holiday greens, I chose to make my own magnolia wreath. It was not so hard! I did butcher my own magnolia tree to harvest some leaves, but they will grow back. It is hanging on my door to welcome home my college gals.

How to do it:
Purchase a grape vine wreath from a craft store. Trim it off with clippers.
Forage or purchase some magnolia branches and trim the leaves.
Bunch leaves in groups or not - I started with bunches of three leaves that I wired together.
Every few bunches, turn a leave backwards to get a pop of brown.
Start in one direction and wedge groupings of leaves into wreath, and keep going, filling in with single leaves where you need to. Circle round, starting in outer ring and work towards center. Start with larger leaves in outer circle.
Either wire the bunches in or use a glue gun. I thought I would wire - but really who needs that. Same feeling I have towards store bought pie crust. Just use the glue gun!

this is half done

this is almost done!
Add some holiday extra to give it a little fun holiday flair!

this is it! and did not take too long to make!

Welcome Home!